Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fallschirmjäger 7.5cm Pak40 Anti-Tank Platoon

     I've started collecting 15mm WW2 minis. So far I have some Germans and some Americans. WW2 Americans are a little boring to look at with all the green, green endless green, so I decided to start out by painting up my Germans. I'll have to get to the Americans another time. Here is my Fallschirmjäger 7.5cm Pak40 Anti-Tank Platoon. My first attempt at 15mm and my first attempt at splinter pattern camouflage. The guns themselves were painted with a brush using stippling. I was going to airbrush but decided against it last minute. I'll use the airbrush for the vehicles instead.
     Another thing to note about this group is that they were all glued to the base first then painted. I did this on purpose just to see if I could paint them after basing. I have some infantry guys tacked to screw heads on a board as well. Testing out what it would be like to paint them first then base them. I'll make note of the "paint first" models when I finish them. But until that happens know that I had no real issue with basing first.
     I still need to paint up some 3-ton trucks and a field car for the command. When I finish them I'll try to take a photo of the whole group together. I may need to build that light-box I've been putting off before that happens though. Anyway here is my command squad below.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Earthborn Dire Troll

     My Earthborn Dire Troll is finally finished. I thought about doing Madrak next when I finished up the Impalers but decided to go with this guy instead. I wanted to see how my color scheme would turn out on a Dire Troll with very little clothing. So far I'm felling a bit mixed about how it turned out. It's not as "popping" as I would have liked but at the same time I tend to go for a dingy darker more realistic painting style. I wanted this guy to look like he was made from stone but had to make the stone he is standing on look different. I washed on some weathering powders to make the rocks filthy and added a fair amount of moss and leaves. I knew that the base would provide most of the color for this mini and I'm fine with that but I just get the felling of unfinished when I look at it. I also rushed the photo and forgot to add tall grass. May have to go back and put some on tomorrow.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trollblood Impaler #2

     Well here is my second Impaler for my Trollblood army. This is the standard model with no alterations or conversions. I've used the same palate as I have for my other trolls. The dirt on the base however has a touch of Forge World weathering powders to add a more realistic dirt look. I decided to add the powder after varnish. Last time I varnished over weathering powder it turned muddy and looked pretty bad. Anyway my favorite part has to be the roasted chickens hanging from his belt. I had to shave them off of the one I converted but I'm certainly happy I kept them on this one.
     Here is another shot of the chickens... mmm chickens....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Trollblood Impaler Conversion

     Here is my Trollblood Impaler Conversion. I've used the same palate and techniques that were used on the Axer. The most exciting thing about this model in comparison was painting up the belly. I was trying to make the belly almost white in the very center of it. The picture does little justice to the model but when I hold it in my hand I am pleased with the way it turned out. Which brings me to the next project for me. I need to build a lightbox. I just can't seem to take good pictures, I've always got horrible glare from the varnish. Anyway, when I finish building it I may update a few photos, or just re-post them up.
     I am about half way through my next Impaler as I type this. Not sure what to work on after I finish, maybe a heavy beast or some solos. Not too sure if I want to tackle units just yet. At some point I will have to try and do up some plaid. Until then enjoy...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Trollblood Axer

     My first Trollblood is finally done! I admit however that I did wait for the Journeyman league to begin to start painting. I was going to paint the whole Warpack but settled on just the Axer to start. I think this guy came out pretty good. I tried to use some more blending instead of drybrushing for most of the model. In fact the only drybrushed parts are the metal and some of the leather parts.
     The skin was basecoated with Citadel Dawnstone, washed with Citadel Badab Black and Highlighted back "up" with Dawnstone. From here I would have normally drybrushed with a lighter shade of grey and called it good. Instead I layered with some Citadel Administratum Grey leaving a rough line of Dawnstone for definition. In the past I've considered this a more advanced technique but after trying it I realized it's pretty easy.
     The metal bits were done with a basecoat of Citadel Leadbelcher, washed with Badab Black, then Citadel Devlan Mud and finally Citadel Gryphonne Sepia. From here the raised parts were lightly drybrushed with Citadel Mithril Silver. The copper parts were washed the same but started out with a basecoat of P3 Molten Bronze.
     While putting the basecoat on this model I thought the overall look was a bit to dark and drab. To solve that problem I decided to make the hair an orange-red and put an Autumn theme on the bases. To achieve the hair I started out with Citadel Eshin Grey, followed by some Citadel Scab Red, using very thinned paint and going heavier toward the tip. When that was still too dark I blended further with some P3 Khador Red Base and P3 Khador Red Highlight (which is actually and orange color). I added in some Badab Black wash while blending when I thought it appropriate.
     Another thing I tried to do to brighten the model up a bit was add horn to the top and bottom of the Axer's Axe. Some people have painted this part in metalic, some like a claw and a few like horn. This was my first attempt at painting horn and it was the most difficult part of the model. I still think it looks poor. But after a couple of frustrating do-overs, I had to call it good. Otherwise the paint would just get way too thick. Anyway I used P3 'Jack Bone to start, washed with Gryphonne Sepia and highlighted back up with the 'Jack Bone. From there I painted semi thick lines with Citadel Calthan Brown, then thin lines with Citadel Scorched Brown. I tried to add a bit of thinned Citadel Skull White to the tip then had to re-do the dark lines. Frustrating but eventually I'll practice more and since it's such a pain, hopefully get it down.
     The base was pretty standard, a mix of browns for dirt and greys for rock. Some Citadel Scorched Grass and Secret Weapon Autumn Leaves. The last bit of tall grass was from Woodland Scenics. Anyway that's my Axer, and how I plan on doing my Trollblood army.