The Trollblood Warpack comes with two identical Impalers. That is rather disappointing from a hobby perspective (not so great from a gaming perspective either). So to fix the problem I cut the left arm off of one of the Impalers and repositioned it with a little green stuff. I then cut the spear top and bottom to swap them. Finally I cut and carved the chickens off of his belt to try and add a little more variety. I think it came out quite alright.
Rok gets thirsty! He sure loves his beer so I've decided to give him a keg. With the new plastic Dire Troll kit you get enough parts to make either a Bomber, Blitzer or Mauler, which means lots of extra bits. Extra bits like powder kegs that can easily become beer kegs.
The Kilt Lifter. What a great model. This model is fantastic despite not being a playable model. I didn't pick it up for the game though, when I saw it on the Privateer Press store I knew I had to have it.
Mulg for my birthday! I was so happy to get Mulg as a gift for my birthday that I've used him in every list since. I am certainly impressed with his performance and the model itself is quite amazing. I plan on covering most of the roots of the tree-stump with static grass.
A full unit of Kriel Warriors. It may not seem like much but it took me quite a long time and many game stores to complete this unit. I finished it off by buying my last two Caber Throwers at Lock & Load 2012.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the preview. Perhaps soon I can start painting some of theses guys up. I have decided to go with a mix of greys for skin tone as I am not a fan of typical Trollblood blue. The bases are going to be spring/summer themed, full of life. I considered going with an autumn theme but decided against it as it may draw away from the model too much. We shall see.
Wow. Will be interesting to see them all painted!